Executive Master in Cultural Leadership

English Maastricht & London EUR €40.000 + March 2025 2 years Graduate degree
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Organised together with London’s Royal Academy of Arts, the Executive Master in Cultural Leadership empowers you to develop your business and leadership skills, as well as to enrich your understanding of how culture and creativity can inform and rejuvenate your practice.

What is the Executive Master in Cultural Leadership?

Cultural leaders understand the important role culture plays in business, and how to incorporate business ideas into the cultural sector. Maastricht University and the Royal Academy of Arts have partnered to offer this pioneering Executive Master in Cultural Leadership designed to prepare you for the challenges in the next step in your career.

This programme is aimed at those who are looking to develop their business and leadership skills, as well as those who want to enrich their understanding of how culture and creativity can inform and rejuvenate their practice. Taught in London and Maastricht, this international programme aims to foster inspirational leaders who bring a rich understanding of the creative process and innovation to their organisations within the arts, creative industries and beyond.

What can you do with the Executive Master in Cultural Leadership?

By completing all courses as well as assessed components and courseworks, you will graduate with a Master of Arts. An MBA status may also be earned by completing three extra courses (18 credits) of our MaastrichtMBA programme and successful completion of an extended thesis.

What’s more, one of the major benefits of this programme is the newly acquired network of brilliant minds to share your interests with. Through our network of academics, scholars and art world practitioners, you will be introduced to organisations you might want to work for, or you may be inspired to set up your own business or career idea that gives you the creativity and flexibility you desire.

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