Actualiteiten Wet verplichte geestelijke gezondheidszorg (Wvggz) en Wet zorg en dwang (Wzd)
The implementation of the Wvggz (Mental Health Act) and Wzd (Care and Compulsory Treatment Act) continues to generate a significant amount of case law. The not always uniform jurisprudence demonstrates that the need for clarification remains evident. The Supreme Court has issued a considerable number of instructive rulings. Following the evaluation of the law, several “corrections” are also planned. The legislator’s distinction between two laws—one for psychiatry and the other for psychogeriatrics and care for people with intellectual disabilities—clashes with reality. The law struggles to meet the demands from practice. It is still a “work in progress.”
During this course, Ms. Mr Dr. M.C.A.E. van Binnebeke (senior judge at the Limburg District Court), Mr. Drs. Frank Westenberg (lawyer in Hoorn and lecturer in the field of Wvggz and Wzd), and Ms. Drs. Stacey Willems (psychiatrist at the High & Intensive Care unit of Mondriaan) will each address the latest developments in practice and legislation from their respective perspectives.