Faculty of Law

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14 results | Page 2 of 2
Faculty of Law
Postgraduate education | Law

Actualiteiten Bestuurs(proces)recht

During this engaging course, experienced lecturer Sander Jansen, along with one or more equally enthusiastic colleagues, will take you through the current and practically significant developments in case law and…
Dutch Kapoenstraat Maastricht €1-€999 < 1 month Postgraduate certificate
Postgraduate education | Law

Bijna een jaar Omgevingswet: de eerste ervaringen

Step into the world of the Environmental Law and discover the experiences from the first year! After nearly twelve months filled with challenges and valuable lessons, LAW.next invites you to…
Dutch Hotel Van der Valk Maastricht TBD €1-€999 < 1 month Postgraduate certificate
Postgraduate education | Law

Actualiteiten Ondernemingsrecht

The course provides a good overview of where we currently stand in corporate law and where it is headed in the near future. To respond optimally to current events, the…
Dutch Kapoenstraat Maastricht €1-€999 < 1 month Postgraduate certificate
Postgraduate education | Law

Actualiteiten Wet verplichte geestelijke gezondheidszorg (Wvggz) en Wet zorg en dwang (Wzd)

The implementation of the Wvggz (Mental Health Act) and Wzd (Care and Compulsory Treatment Act) continues to generate a significant amount of case law. The not always uniform jurisprudence demonstrates…
Dutch Kapoenstraat Maastricht TBD €1-€999 < 1 month Postgraduate certificate
Postgraduate education | Law

Spitsuurcursus Actualiteiten Burgerlijk Procesrecht 2025

Mr. F. Fernhout will keep you informed throughout the year during peak hour meetings (from 17:00 to 19:00) about the most recent developments in civil procedural law. Using the latest…
Dutch Online €1-€999 < 1 month Postgraduate certificate

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