Portuguese language course (on different levels A1 – B2)

English Maastricht or tailored to a different location. EUR €1-€999 February, September < 1 year Graduation certificate
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You learn European Portuguese, the Portuguese language spoken in Portugal. There is also time spent on the difference between Portuguese of Portugal and Portuguese of Brazil. The course not only focuses on speaking and listening skills. Additional work on grammar, as well as reading and writing skills, will support you in the language learning process. Your teacher will be a (near-) native speaker, and the group lessons will be conducted in Portuguese.

  • beginner and basic knowledge levels
  • English CEFR level B1 is a requirement
  • starts in February and September
  • 14 sessions of 2 hours
  • groups of about 12-14 students
  • 4 hours of independent study preparation per lesson
  • certificate upon completion of course requirements for each module

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